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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1. What is a medical hold and how can I get it removed so that I can register?

New entrants, transfer students or former students returning: once you have been accepted to Howard University and have paid your enrollment fee, you are automatically placed on “medical hold” until you satisfy the immunization and tuberculosis screening requirements. Only after satisfying all of the requirements will your medical hold be removed. At this point, you will then be able to register for classes. Here is some general information on "How to Clear a Medical Hold."

2. How do I obtain a copy of my medical records?

Students wishing to receive a copy of their records for their personal use must submit a written authorization.  Information pertaining to alcohol or other drug dependencies and HIV test results or treatment requires a release specific for that information. That means that you must spell out in your request that you would like to authorize release of that information specifically. All releases must be signed and dated by the patient. For further information, please call 202-806-7540. There is no charge for copies of your medical record unless you are requesting a copy of your entire chart. A processing fee of $10.00 applies for a copy of your chart. The processing time for medical records is 3-5 business days. Please access the Student Health Portal to request your medical records.

3. Will my visit appear on my school record?

No! All visits are strictly confidential and are not part of your academic record. Information in the medical record may only be shared if you sign an authorization to disclose protected health information. No one can access your medical records without your written permission, including University faculty and administration, future employers, roommates, friends or parents.

Frequently Asked Questions

4. Does the Student Health Center accept medical insurance?

Howard University offers students insurance through the United Healthcare Student Resources (UHC-SR) Insurance Plan. Coverage includes preventive and annual doctor's visits, access to mental health providers, referrals to specialists (copay required), hospitalizations, surgical procedures, diagnostic tests and imaging studies. Coverage depends on the specific insurance plan. Students who are not covered by the United Healthcare Insurance Plan are encouraged to contact their insurance carrier to verify their coverage details, prior to receiving Student Health services. Please visit and click ID card to see your card information. For questions about insurance services, please call 866-338-8632 to speak directly to the insurance advocate or email Please note all questions and information about enrolling into or waiving UHC-SR insurance are handled by the University's Bursar office.

Other Insurance Plans

Students with other private insurance carriers (i.e. Cigna, Atena, BCBS, etc.) can be seen in the student health center, but may incur various charges depending on the insurance plan.

Kaiser Permanente & Out-Of-State Medicaid Insurance

Students with Kaiser Permanente and out-of-state Medicaid can be seen in the student health center, but cannot get laboratory analysis, referrals for imaging, and specialty referrals. LabCorp takes DC, Maryland, and Virginia Medicaid 

5. Do I need a referral to see a specialist?


  • Due to a medical emergency. However, you must return to the Student Health Center for necessary follow-up care;

  • When the Student Health Center is closed;

  • When service is rendered at another facility during break or vacation periods;

  • For medical care received when the student is more than 35 miles from campus;

  • For medical care obtained when a student is no longer able to use the Student Health Center due to a change in student status, i.e. Maternity and Psychotherapy;

  • Dependents are not eligible to use the Student Health Center; and therefore, are exempt from the above limitations and requirements.

  • Dental Care provided at the College of Dentistry.

Students with UHC-SR insurance plan do not need a referral with the following scenarios:

For students with UHC-SR insurance, a referral is needed for most specialist. Please call 202-806-7540 to make an appointment with a health care provider at the student health center to get more information about what is needed. To locate a provider under the UHC-SR network, please go to

Students with other insurance plans

It is the responsibility of the student to contact their insurance carrier to find out when a referral is needed. If a referral is needed, please call 202-806-7540 to make an appointment with a health care provider at the student health center. Please note the student health center might be considered out-of-network for your insurance plan and they may not honor a referral from our office.

Students with Kaiser Permanente & out-of-state Medicaid

Kaiser Permanente and Out-of-state Medicaid will not accept specialty referrals from the student health center.

6. How do I make an appointment?

To make an appointment, click on Schedule an Appointment or call 202-806-7540. If you need to reschedule or cancel, call the office at 202-806-7540.  

7. Does the Student Health Center have a pharmacy?

No. There are several pharmacies within walking distance of all of our campuses that accept most prescription plans.

8. What routine tests are part of health clearances & study abroad programs?

The routine tests that might be included with health clearances, and study abroad programs are tuberculosis screening (PPD or T-spot blood test), tests for immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B, in addition to stool cultures, and urine drug test.

9. I don’t have copies of my immunization records. Do I have to get all the shots again?

Not necessarily. For Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B you can have blood drawn to check for immunity with quantitative IgG titers. Upload the results to your Med+Proctor account and they will be reviewed. You will only need to repeat immunizations when you have low titers. Without a record of your immunizations most students will need to get a Tdap, and a Meningococcal vaccine. You would also need to get a PPD or a T-spot tuberculosis blood test.

10. What are titers?

A titer is a laboratory test that measures the presence and amount of antibodies in blood. A titer may be used to prove immunity to disease. 

11. As a Patient, what are my Rights and Responsibilities?

Patient Rights

The Howard University Student Health Center provides comprehensive, first-class, high-quality, equitable, inclusive, student-centered healthcare and education to the Howard University students, our future leaders, and the Howard University community as a whole.

Our patients have the right to:


  1. Confidentiality:

    • The right to privacy concerning personal health information, as protected by laws such as HIPAA (in the U.S.).

    • The right to have your medical records kept confidential and only shared with authorized individuals.

  2. Informed Consent:

    • The right to receive clear, understandable information about your condition, treatment options, and possible outcomes before consenting to any procedure or treatment.

    • The right to ask questions and receive adequate answers.

  3. Respect and Dignity:

    • The right to be treated with respect, dignity, and without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic.

    • The right to receive care in a safe and supportive environment.

  4. Access to Care:

    • The right to access healthcare services, including preventive services, treatment, and follow-up care.

    • The right to request a second opinion or be referred to a specialist if necessary.

  5. Participation in Care:

    • The right to actively participate in decisions about your healthcare, including the right to refuse treatment.

    • The right to receive information in a manner that is understandable to you, including access to interpreters if needed.

  6. Complaints and Appeals:

    • The right to voice concerns or complaints about the care received without fear of retaliation.

    • The right to have complaints reviewed and addressed by the clinic.

Patient Responsibilities:


Collaboration between the student health center staff and the students is essential to ensuring the health and wellness of the student body.  Active participation in your healthcare will produce the most optimal outcomes.  


Patient responsibilities include:

  1. Honesty:

    • The responsibility to provide accurate and complete information about your health, medical history, and any medications you are taking.

    • The responsibility to inform healthcare providers if you do not understand the information or instructions given to you.

  2. Compliance with Treatment:

    • The responsibility to follow the agreed-upon treatment plan, including taking medications as prescribed and attending follow-up appointments.

    • The responsibility to communicate openly with healthcare providers about your progress and any side effects or issues.

  3. Respect for Staff and Other Patients:

    • The responsibility to treat healthcare staff and other patients with respect and courtesy.

    • The responsibility to adhere to clinic rules and regulations, including those regarding appointment scheduling and cancellations.

  4. Use of Services:

    • The responsibility to use the clinic’s services appropriately and not engage in behavior that disrupts or compromises the care of others.

    • The responsibility to respect the rights of other patients to privacy and a quiet environment.

  5. Financial Obligations:

    • The responsibility to fulfill any financial obligations related to your care, such as paying fees or providing insurance information.

  6. Personal Health Responsibility:

    • The responsibility to take care of your own health, including following healthy lifestyle practices, seeking care when necessary, and not delaying treatment.

These rights and responsibilities aim to foster a positive, effective, and respectful relationship between patients and healthcare providers in the student health center.

HU Student Health Center

Medical Arts Building

2139 Georgia Avenue, NW, 2nd Floor

Washington, D.C. 20059


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